About Ourmedia

About Us

Ourmedia is an ecosystem dedicated to providing the experiential learning opportunities and knowledge networks needed for members of Generation Z to succeed in their learning, career, and advocacy goals. We work to surface the voice of Generation Z and forge partnerships across sectors and generations to encourage the growth of AI-readiness and social entrepreneurial skill development in higher learning and early-in-career contexts. Our vision is a Gen Z workforce who is equipped for lifelong learning in the changing landscape of work and life in the 2030s.

Our work foregrounds the perspectives and experiences of Gen Z to inform the development of recommendations and solutions in the areas of work, learning, and advocacy. We bridge efforts to explore current and anticipated issues as Gen Z navigates the 2030s to develop tangible solutions that leverage the voice of Gen Z and benefit society.

Our Work

Ourmedia delivered a listening session hosted in partnership with the University of California, Santa Barbara Center for Informational Technology and Society in 2023 that surfaced a set of key insights around AI’s impact on work, learning, personal life, and civics. As we moved into 2024, many of the concerns and expectations surfaced by participants moved to the forefront of AI discourse, demonstrating the need for engaging with diverse cohorts of participants from higher learning and Generation Z to develop solutions around AI. The structure of exercises in the session provided unique opportunities for participants to explore complex feelings and perspectives around AI; many participants shared that this was one of the first times they’d been challenged to think deeply in collaboration with a diverse set of perspectives and backgrounds.


“My time at the event was spent talking to people from different places in their life with different viewpoints. During lunch I talked with a librarian, an aspiring professor, and a student interested in tech about AI …I learned a lot that I didn’t know about technology. I didn’t know what quantum computing was, or even how AI worked … The event was a learning experience both civically and technically for me, and I really enjoyed it.”My time at the event was spent talking to people from different places in their life with different viewpoints. During lunch I talked with a librarian, an aspiring professor, and a student interested in tech about AI …I learned a lot that I didn’t know about technology. I didn’t know what quantum computing was, or even how AI worked … The event was a learning experience both civically and technically for me, and I really enjoyed it.”

-UCSB Undergraduate Participant



“This is a terrific report (on an excellent event). The two students from my classes who attended reported back to me very enthusiastically about the event.




I am especially keen to share your document with instructors before my meeting because your event and the students involved in it were very forward-looking; and I want to counter what may be a near-term, backward-looking, and defensive approach by instructors.”



– UCSB Faculty Member, Computer Science

What We’re Working On

Ourmedia’s AI Listening Session outcomes drove us to foster more dialogue between diverse, Gen Z-focused communities around the future of work, life, and learning and develop systematic, data-driven methods for capturing those insights. We are working to forge partnerships with other value-aligned organizations looking to encourage the growth of Gen Z communities for career readiness and lifelong learning while building a network of passionate Gen Zers eager to learn. Our current projects include participatory action research and training around AI and the future of work, roundtable sessions exploring the future of work, life, and learning with Generation Z, and conversations with thought leaders about the qualities and opportunities amongst Gen Z learners and workers that will contribute to lifelong success in the 2030s.

We are looking for partners and sponsors to support our efforts. Please get in touch to learn more!