cultivating a future where Gen Z emerges as empowered leaders in work, life, and learning

Co Building a Flourishing Future with Gen Z 🫰

Hello, We are Ourmedia 👋🌱

Ourmedia is a 501c3 nonprofit on a mission to bolster Generation Z (Gen Z) leadership for the 2030s. Our growing ecosystem seeks to offer a robust system of support around Gen Z that foregrounds their voices and concerns while leveraging technology, mentorship, and storytelling in empowering youth to co-build a brighter future together.


We are Building a Movement to Surface the Voice of Gen Z


Fostering Social Entrepreneurship for an AI Ready Workforce

Our initiatives aim to cultivate social entrepreneurial skills alongside AI readiness skills among Gen Z through experiential learning opportunities.


Leveraging Storytelling for Success

Our efforts are infused with storytelling, a vital medium for engaging people and fostering the adoption of new ideas. This strategy foregrounds the voices and stories of Gen Z to enrich understanding and decision-making through diverse perspectives.


Creating Communities of Practice

Our programs are driven by and aligned with the agency of Gen Z. We are establishing a collaborative platform to evolve best practices for organizing by and for Gen Z with support and mentorship from thought leadership.


Improving Equity and Access in Education and the Workforce

We believe strongly that the most effective strategy for building a successful Gen Z lies in centering underserved students and workers in our efforts.

See what we have been up to

Join the Movement: AI’s Transformative Role for Generation Z

Everywhere we look, people and businesses seem to be talking about generative AI and its potential power — for good or evil. We’re standing at a crossroads where we can either harness the potential to benefit society at large, or we can risk letting individuals weaponize it for their own advantage.

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